
Among butterflies where females are polygamous, interactions with males after the first mating entail time costs associated with both courtship and mating. In the green-veined white butterfly, Pieris napi, spermatophore counts on wild-caught females revealed that the average number of matings that females had performed increased gradually from 1.1 during the first week of the flight period to 2.4 during the 4th and final week. By dissecting pairs found in copula in the field, we found that female rematings occurred solely in the afternoon, whereas virgin females mated most frequently earlier in the day. We suggest that non-virgin females minimize the time cost of rematings by allocating them to an hour when the egglaying frequency has decreased to a low level. Virgin females were very attractive to males, judging by their courtship persistence (several minutes), but when mated, females became so unattractive that courting males left them within a few seconds. However, females' attractiveness increased again with time elapsed since the last mating. These observations support the idea that females emit repellent pheromones after mating, which may be male derived. Since newly mated females were not harassed by males or hindered in their egglaying activities, it is conceivable that the time cost of remating may be outweighed by the benefit of the regained ability to curtail male courtship. This advantage to newly remated females may in itself be an explanation for polyandry in P. napi and is alternative or complementary to the idea that females that remate receive a material benefit that can be used to increase their realized fecundity.

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