
Forests are among the most sensitive systems in nature. This is attributed to the fact that, forests are directly affected by fluctuations in price of fossil fuels. Wood products and especially forest fuel products are accessible by anyone, without any prior processing. As forest fuel is a subsidy for fossil fuels (oil) for heating purposes, households turn to forest fuel especially in countries that are heavily impacted by economic recession. The over-exploitation of this natural resource leads the forest to abnormal situation and eventually to deforestation. The exhaust of the natural resource capital has negative impact not only on the local economy, where fuelwood market contributes especially in mountainous regions, but also on the environmental stability of ecosystems. In this paper, two multi-period Linear Programming models are proposed for management of coppice forests. The aim of these models is to maximize the Net Present Value, which is constructed as a function of the revenue from trading fuelwood (price times the logged quantities) minus the transportation cost from the forest to merchants. Two aspects have been investigated in this paper; sustainability and maximum yield. The sustainability aspect is guaranteed by imposing constraints for equalization of non-logged areas at the end of the planning horizon. With maximum yield aspect, the maximization of the logged quantities (and therefore the maximization of the objective function) is guaranteed. The model is solved for various scenarios regarding transportation cost. The applicability of the model is demonstrated through a real-world case study of an even coppice forest in Achladochori–Aggistro–Sidirokastro. The proposed model is easy to be implemented, since it uses only the initial conditions of the forest (area) and can be applied to even and uneven aged forests.

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