
The most significant feature of the power supply to agricultural consumers is the uneven distribution of the electrical load across three phases of the 0.4 kilovolt four-wire power grid and low load density (515 kilowatts per square kilometer) and coverage of large areas. Based on modern requirements for the quality of electricity and reliability of power supply to agricultural consumers, there is a need to modernize existing and create a new generation of rural electric grid. One of the variants of such grid is a resonant power transmission system. (Research purpose) The research object is a physical and mathematical model of a resonant system, taking into account a wide selection of the necessary physical parameters for the transfer function, the research purpose is determining the parameters of the resonant system. (Materials and methods) Used Mathematica version It was established that all physical parameters can be set in accordance with the experiment. (Results and discussion) A new type of electrical systems for electric power transmission with the use of a resonant method of electric power transmission was considered. A mathematical model of a high-frequency line based on a single-wire line with a return through the ground was given. (Conclusions) We investigated the general principle of operation, the main components, and also calculated electrical characteristics, including power, frequency response, efficiency, features of operation, including wireless communication. The calculation results were compared with the existing equipment with a transmission power of up to 8000 watts. It was shown that on the basis of the obtained equations, it is possible to correctly select the parameters of the resonant power transmission line and voltage converters. It was determined that the obtained physical and mathematical model of a resonant single-conductor system, taking into account a wide selection of the necessary physical parameters, makes it possible to understand the operation of a resonant power transmission line and build optimized receiving and transmitting equipment complexes.

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