
This research explain about mathematical modeling APKA type on dynamics unemployment rate in makassar city. The aim of this research is how to to analyze and simulate the model to predict the enemployment rare in makassar city which composed is two cases, the first is case of the unemployment free rate and the second is case increase unemployment rate. The type of the research is an applied research which of aims to solve the problem with compiling consept as needed. The data used are secondary data form Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in makassar city, by using basic reproduction number (R 0) to determine the dynamics unmemployment rate in makassar city. If R 0 ≤ 1 then the condition of the number of unemployment population is not worrying, but R 0 > 1 decribes the condition increasing the number of unemployment population which need to be followed up by goverment of makassar city. The simulation result found R 0 = 0,8445 ≤ 1, that means, the number of unemployment population is not worrying and the other simulation found R 0 = 1,8718 > 1, that means, the number of unemployment population is worrying in Makassar city. The result also shown that if the number of individual not in the worksforce is hinger then the number of unemployed will be hinger.

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