
The collection of data from the physical environment, such as temperature and humidity readings, is an essential function of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Because of its ability to communicate data wirelessly, WSNs are crucial for connecting the digital and physical worlds. Nevertheless, WSN energy efficiency optimization has become a more complicated challenge because of their battery dependency and deployment in adverse locations. The emphasis of this research is the Improved Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (ILEACH) protocol, which is used as an example of a mathematics-driven strategy to improve WSN energy efficiency. To tackle important problems with energy consumption and network lifetime, mathematical modelling and equation-based analysis are used to study and enhance ILEACH's performance. Particularly in faraway places with few resources, energy efficiency is of the utmost importance when discussing WSNs. This study's mathematical models explore the equations and probability distributions that control the lifetime, energy consumption, and behaviour of sensor nodes. Our goal is to shed light on the energy optimization processes of ILEACH by means of thorough mathematical analysis and derivations. Our method incorporates both theoretical modelling and empirical assessments of ILEACH's cluster head formation, throughput, and network performance as a whole. Our comparison of the mathematical formulations of ILEACH and LEACH shows that our Improved LEACH is better in terms of data throughput, network lifetime, and energy efficiency. Using a figure of merits criterion, we compare LEACH, ILEACH, and the proposed Improved LEACH in detail to help with decision-making and protocol selection. With its solid mathematical groundwork, this study is a great tool for improving the efficiency of WSNs' energy-saving algorithms, which in turn can help networks last longer and run better.

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