
The article is devoted to the solution of the problem of increasing the accuracy of control and measurement of the dynamic viscosity of a liquid by the vibrational method. The critical task for today is to provide remote monitoring of the viscosity of solutions in real industrial technological processes.Most of the existing viscometers are instruments predominantly of the laboratory class and for a number of reasons cannot fulfill the assigned task. The most accurate measuring instruments for dynamic viscosity are vibrational amplitude and frequency dynamic viscosity sensors that contact the liquid with the surface of sensitive element (resonator) in the form of an oscillating rod or plate.Most theoretical studies of such resonators are based on an analytical description, which is limited to the case of an infinite plate performing harmonic oscillations in an infinite viscous medium. Such an approach does not provide an opportunity to describe correctly the behavior of the sensor in real conditions of its operation. Therefore, the article is devoted to the development of a mathematical model of the dynamic viscosity sensor of a liquid with a sensitive element in the form of a tubular single tuning fork, the prongs of which are filled with a controlled liquid. The mathematical model is based on the equilibrium equation according to the d’Alembert’s principle.The article presents the main relationships for determining the equivalent mass of the prong of the tuning fork, equivalent rigidity of the prong of the tuning fork and the equivalent coefficient of linear friction in the prong of the tuning fork. The obtained relationships are completely confirmed by the theory of oscillations and the theory of deformation of solids in the linear region, and can be used in the development of a vibration control method for viscosity by the damping ratio of the tuning fork or by Q-control.


  • The article is devoted to the solution of the problem of increasing the accuracy of control and measurement of the dynamic viscosity of a liquid by the vibrational method

  • The most accurate measuring instruments for dynamic viscosity are vibrational amplitude and frequency dynamic viscosity sensors that contact the liquid with the surface of sensitive element in the form of an oscillating rod or plate

  • The article is devoted to the development of a mathematical model of the dynamic viscosity sensor of a liquid with a sensitive element in the form of a tubular single tuning fork, the prongs of which are filled with a controlled liquid

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Математическая модель вибрационного сенсора динамической вязкости

Аннотация Статья посвящена решению задачи повышения точности контроля и измерения динамической вязкости жидкости вибрационным методом. Актуальной задачей сегодня является обеспечение дистанционного контроля вязкости растворов в реальных промышленных технологических процессах. Большинство существующих вискозиметров являются приборами преимущественно лабораторного класса и по ряду причин не могут выполнить поставленную задачу. В статье получена математическая модель сенсора динамической вязкости жидкости с чувствительным элементом в виде трубчатого одинарного камертона, ветви которого заполнены контролируемой жидкостью. Большинство существующих вискозиметров являются приборами преимущественно лабораторного класса и по ряду причин не могут обеспечить дистанционный контроль вязкости растворов в реальных промышленных технологических процессах [1]. Задача точного контроля и измерения динамической вязкости жидкости с погрешностью менее 0,1 % является актуальной и до настоящего времени нерешённой задачей даже для ньютоновских жидкостей

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