
In order to solve the collision avoidance problem in the case of ship overtaking in a narrow water area, a ship collision avoidance model was proposed based on ship domain. On the basis of the channel planning and design specifications, the qua-ternary ship area of the narrow channel was reshaped, and a model of the minimum ship area of a ship in the waterway is constructed to further determine the safe passing distance of the ship when overtaking. Then, a mathematical model of ship steering motion based on the combination of the ship’s steering collision avoidance geometric model, the collision avoidance action target was determined, that is, the closest encounter distance (DCPA) and the closest encounter time (TCPA), so that the above two collision avoidance action indicators met the actual collision avoidance (DCPA is greater than ship domain, TCPA is as large as possible). Simulation experiments showed that when using this model for overtaking and collision avoidance, the overtaking ship’s trajectory of motion was in line with the actual navigation. The minimum lateral distance to the overtaken ship was 80 m and the minimum lateral distance to shallow water was 55 m.

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