
In this paper mathematical model for equivalent Fresnel zone line of sight percentage clearance for terrestrial point-to-point line-of-sight communication link is presented. Sample 3 GHz microwave link with 38887.6 m path length is used to demonstrate the application of the model. In the sample link, five Fresnel zones are considered, namely zone 1, 2 4, 8, and 16. The results show that at middle of the link, the corresponding radius of each of the five Fresnel zones are r1 = 31.18 m, r2=44.1m, r4=62.36m, r8=88.19 m, r16 =124.72 m. When the LOS percentage clearance specified with respect to Fresnel zone 1 is-100% the corresponding LOS percentage clearance with respect to the other Fresnel zones are as follows: Fresnel zone 2 is -70.71%, Fresnel zone 4 is -50%, Fresnel zone 8 is -35.36% and Fresnel zone 16 is -25%. The results confirm that the equivalent line of sight percentage clearance is given as Pc(x, n2) = where n1 and n2 are two different Fresnel zones and ) are the line of sight percentage clearance at Fresnel zone n1 and n2 respectively.

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