
The article analyzes theoretical and methodological basics of formation of mathematical competences as a key condition of training prospective engineers in higher technical educational institutions. The study considers the problem of prospective engineers’ mathematical training implementation based on the competence approach aiming at future activity in industrial production field on the level of world standards. On the basis of the analysis of modern concepts essence, purpose, and management of prospective engineers’ training in higher technical educational establishments from the perspective of the competence approach realization are reconsidered. Mathematical education is considered as a basis for the training of technical specialists. Despite the fact that the issue of professional development of higher technical educational institutions students was given considerable attention in the research of the scientific community, the problem of forming their mathematical competences remained insufficiently covered and was not the subject of a dedicated special research. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of prospective engineers’ mathematical competences formation as a basis for their professional training. Theoretical research methods were used during research, namely: study and analysis of psychological-pedagogical, legal and special literature on the researched issue; analysis of state educational standards, programs, textbooks and teaching materials. The specifics of teaching mathematical disciplines in higher technical educational institutions are determined. The basic techniques and principles of realization of the competence approach in education are reviwed. The stages of prospective engineers’ professional competence formation are characterized. The article focuses on personal values of a prospective engineering specialist in the process of professional competence formation. Procedural, technological, logical, research and methodological components of mathematical competence of technical specialists are described. The article proves on the effectiveness of prospective engineers’ mathematical competences formation in order to train highly qualified specialists of technical field in higher technical educational institutions.

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