
This research is a mixed methods study with a sequential explanatory design which aims to test the effectiveness of the RTTW learning model with a scientific approach to mathematical communication ability in terms of self-efficacy and to describe students based on mathematical communication abilities in terms of self-efficacy on the RTTW learning model with a scientific approach. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 13 Semarang with class VIII F as the experimental class and VIII H as the control class and the research subjects were 6 students from the experimental class. This research data collection technique with tests and non-tests. The results of this study are that the application of learning using the RTTW learning model with a scientific approach is declared effective. This is indicated by: (a) Mathematical communication ability with the application of RTTW learning with a scientific approach achieves the classical criteria, namely 75%, (b) Mathematical communication ability in the experimental class has a higher proportion of final test results than the control class, (c) Average the final test results of students' mathematical communication abilities given the RTTW model learning with a scientific approach achieve KBM, (d) The average final test of students' mathematical communication abilities in the experimental class is better than the average final test results of students' mathematical communication abilities in class control, (e) There is an effect of self-efficacy on mathematical communication ability in class by applying learning with the RTTW learning model with a scientific approach. In the RTTW learning model with a scientific approach in terms of self-efficacy, it was obtained that students in the high self-efficacy category were able to fulfill all three indicators of mathematical communication ability well, students in the moderate self-efficacy category were able to fulfill indicator 1, sufficient on indicator 2 and lacking on indicator 3, and participants students in the low self-efficacy category are less able to fulfill all indicators. Keywords: Mathematical Communication Ability, Read Think Talk Write Model, Scientific Approach, Self Efficacy

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