
We consider some mathematical issues raised by the modelling of gene networks. The expression of genes is governed by a complex set of regulations, which is often described symbolically by interaction graphs. These are finite oriented graphs where vertices are the genes involved in the biological system of interest and arrows describe their interactions: a positive (resp. negative) arrow from a gene to another represents an activation (resp. inhibition) of the expression of the latter gene by some product of the former. Once such an interaction graph has been established, there remains the difficult task to decide which dynamical properties of the gene network can be inferred from it, in the absence of precise quantitative data about their regulation. There mathematical tools, among others, can be of some help. In this paper we discuss a rule proposed by Thomas according to which the possibility for the network to have several stationary states implies the existence of a positive circuit in the corresponding interaction graph. We prove that, when properly formulated in rigorous terms, this rule becomes a theorem valid for several different types of formal models of gene networks. This result is already known for models of differential [C. Soulé, Graphic requirements for multistationarity, ComPlexUs 1 (2003) 123–133] or Boolean [E. Rémy, P. Ruet, D. Thieffry, Graphic requirements for multistability and attractive cycles in a boolean dynamical framework, 2005, Preprint] type. We show here that a stronger version of it holds in the differential setup when the decay of protein concentrations is taken into account. This allows us to verify also the validity of Thomas' rule in the context of piecewise-linear models. We then discuss open problems. To cite this article: C. Soulé, C. R. Biologies 329 (2006).

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