
Grasping is the main function performed by the mechanical hand. Mechanisms with more functionality are needed for secure grasping of different and complex objects. With the advancement of the field of robotics it is important to think of mechanisms of multifingered robot hand with added functionality. The metamorphic mechanism with spherical linkage opens a wide opportunity to design a multi fingered robot hand with spherical palm, which can achieve human like dexterity. On the basis of an intensive study of literature, this paper focuses on the development of a geometrical model and mathematical analysis of spherical robot palm with fingers attached to it. To develop the generalised mathematical model, the co-ordinate transformation matrices of the joint axis position and the finger position have been derived. The transformation matrices have been derived with the position and orientation of the links and finger positions. So the co-ordinate points of a point of interest in the three dimensional space can be described at different configuration state of the mechanism. The detail analysis has been done through this mathematical and geometrical modelling of five-bar spherical metamorphic linkage robotic palm. This mathematical and geometrical model can be used to inspect the feasibility of the mechanism design for a multi fingered robot palm. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol.36 Dec. 2006 pp.18-26DOI = 10.3329/jme.v36i0.807

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