
We consider a class of mathcal{N} = 2 conformal SU(N) SYM theories in four dimensions with matter in the fundamental, two-index symmetric and anti-symmetric representations, and study the corresponding matrix model provided by localization on a sphere S4, which also encodes information on flat-space observables involving chiral operators and circular BPS Wilson loops. We review and improve known techniques for studying the matrix model in the large-N limit, deriving explicit expressions in perturbation theory for these observables. We exploit both recursive methods in the so-called full Lie algebra approach and the more standard Cartan sub-algebra approach based on the eigenvalue distribution. The sub-class of conformal theories for which the number of fundamental hypermultiplets does not scale with N differs in the planar limit from the mathcal{N} = 4 SYM theory only in observables involving chiral operators of odd dimension. In this case we are able to derive compact expressions which allow to push the small ’t Hooft coupling expansion to very high orders. We argue that the perturbative series have a finite radius of convergence and extrapolate them numerically to intermediate couplings. This is preliminary to an analytic investigation of the strong coupling behavior, which would be very interesting given that for such theories holographic duals have been proposed.


  • One ambitious but necessary goal in theoretical physics is to understand the dynamics of interacting Quantum Field Theories (QFTs) at strong coupling

  • N = 4 Super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory represents a benchmark for exact computations in QFTs and for an explicit realization of the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence

  • The N = 4 SU(N ) SYM theory admits an holographic description as type II B strings on AdS5 × S5 which is the prototype of all AdS/CFT relations

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One ambitious but necessary goal in theoretical physics is to understand the dynamics of interacting Quantum Field Theories (QFTs) at strong coupling. In this paper we provide some contributions to this long term goal by exploiting the localization matrix model to extract in a rather efficient way the expression of protected observables in the large-N limit We do this for a certain class of superconformal theories with matter in the fundamental, symmetric and anti-symmetric representations. In the second part of the paper we concentrate on a set of N = 2 theories whose fundamental matter content does not scale with N , so that they have ν = 0 As noted above, these models have a holographic dual [26] and are very close to the N = 4 SYM theory, as confirmed by the fact that some observables, such as the vacuum expectation value of the Wilson loop [42] and the Bremsstrahlung function [23, 50], do not deviate from the N = 4 result in the large-N limit. Several technical details, which are useful to reproduce our results, and some explicit high-order expansions are collected in the appendices

Part I
N tr P exp g dτ
The ABCDE theories
Matrix model from localization
The full Lie algebra approach
Basic ingredients
Large-N limit from the eigenvalue distribution
The large-N universal integral equation
Single-trace mixing at large N and two-point functions
One-point functions in presence of the Wilson loop
Asymptotic correlators of operators with large dimension
Part II
Field theory calculations up to 3-loops
Hexagon diagram in even and odd correlators
Higher loops for higher order correlators
The two-point function correction factor γ3
Conclusions and perspectives
B Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind
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