
Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) are increasingly common, but the network breadth for maternity care is not well described. The inclusion of maternity care clinicians in Medicaid ACOs has significant implications for access to care for pregnant people, who are disproportionately insured by Medicaid. To address this, we evaluate obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYN), maternal-fetal medicine specialists (MFM), certified nurse midwives (CNM), and acute care hospital inclusion in Massachusetts Medicaid ACOs. Using publicly available provider directories for Massachusetts Medicaid ACOs (n = 16) from December 2020 -January 2021, we quantify obstetrician-gynecologists, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, CNMs, and acute care hospital with obstetric department inclusion in each Medicaid ACO. We compare maternity care provider and acute care hospital inclusion across and within ACO type. For Accountable Care Partnership Plans, we compare maternity care clinician and acute care hospital inclusion to ACO enrollment. Primary Care ACO plans include 1185 OB/GYNs, 51 MFMs, and 100% of Massachusetts acute care hospitals, but CNMs were not easily identifiable in the directories. Across Accountable Care Partnership Plans, a mean of 305 OB/GYNs (median: 97; range: 15-812), 15 MFMs (Median: 8; range: 0-50), 85 CNMs (median: 29; range: 0-197), and half of Massachusetts acute care hospitals (median: 23.81%; range: 10%-100%) were included. Substantial differences exist in maternity care clinician inclusion across and within ACO types. Characterizing the quality of included maternity care clinicians and hospitals across ACOs is an important target of future research. Highlighting maternal healthcare as a key area of focus for Medicaid ACOs-including equitable access to high-quality obstetric providers-will be important to improving maternal health outcomes.

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