
In this article, based on interviews with informants from settlements of the Republic of Moldova with a compact residence of Old Believers (Lipovans), the features of the maternity and baptismal rituals in their environment are presented. The maternity and baptismal cycle contains a number of successive stages, including the customs and rituals that precede childbirth, the birth itself, as well as the subsequent stages associated with purification and socialization. The origins of the belief about the contradictory character of the female nature, inherent in ancient views of the world, originate in the concept of her duality, which is associated with the rites of passage. In order to prevent the influence of the otherworldly sphere, traditional culture prescribes a woman to observe the prohibitions associated with ritual impurity. Along with this, there are also regulations designed to protect the mother and child from manifestations of evil forces. The article describes the prohibitions and prescriptions for a pregnant and giving birth woman, the relationship of the latter with a midwife, the peculiarities of the choice of godparents among the Old Believers. The customs and ceremonies associated with the birth of a child are aimed at: 1) preserving the life and health of the woman in labor and of the baby, 2) eliminating the danger of the transition period. The author reveals the attitude of the respondents to popular beliefs.


  • baptismal cycle contains a number of successive stages

  • well as the subsequent stages associated with purification and socialization

  • which is associated with the rites of passage

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Rezumat Riturile la naştere şi botez ale credincioşilor de rit vechi din Republica Moldova În această lucrare, pe baza interviurilor cu informatori din localităţi ai Republicii Moldova cu o şedere compactă a credincioşilor de rit vechi, sunt prezentate particularităţile riturilor de naştere şi botez în mediul lor. Cuvinte-cheie: rituri la naştere şi botez, credincioşi de rit vechi din Republica Moldova, femeie însărcinată, femeie în travaliu, prunc, rituri de tranziţie. Родильно-крестильный цикл содержит ряд последовательных этапов, включающих обычаи и обряды, предшествующие родам, собственно роды, а также последующие за ними этапы, связанные с очищением и социализацией. The maternity and baptismal cycle contains a number of successive stages, including the customs and rituals that precede childbirth, the birth itself, as well as the subsequent stages associated with purification and socialization. Au fost realizate o serie de interviuri extinse cu informatori care locuiau în sate cu o populaţie compactă de lipoveni (Cunicea, Egorovca etc.), precum şi în oraşe unde există un număr mare a lor, inclusiv Chişinău şi Edineţ

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