
Maternal mRNAs deposited in the egg during oogenesis are critical during the development of early embryo, before the activation of the embryonic genome. However, there is little known about the dynamic expression of maternally expressed genes in mammals. In this study, we made buffalo parthenogenesis as our research model to analyse maternal transcription profiles of pre-implantation embryo in buffalo using RNA sequencing. In total, 3,567 unique genes were detected to be differentially expressed among all constant stages during early embryo development (FPKM>0). Interestingly, a total of 10,442 new genes were discovered in this study, and gene ontology analysis of the new differentially expressed genes indicated that the new genes have a wide cellular localization and are involved in many molecular functions and biological processes. Moreover, we identified eight clusters that were only highly expressed in a particular developmental stage and enriched a number of GO terms and KEGG pathways that were related to specific stage. Furthermore, we identified 1,530 hub genes (or key members) from the maternally expressed gene networks, and these hub genes were involved in 11 stage-specific modules. After visualization using Cytoscape 3.2.1 software, we obtained complex interaction network of hub genes, indicating the highly efficient cooperation between genes during the development in buffalo embryos. Further research of these genes will greatly deepen our understanding of embryo development in buffalo. Collectively, this research lays the foundation for future studies on the maternal genome function, buffalo nuclear transfer and parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells.

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