
Aim of study: To analyze the maternal and perinatal outcome in varying degree of anemia and assess whichlevel of hemoglobin concentration has best pregnancy outcome in Iraqi women.Patients and Method: A cohort study that was conducted at Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital duringthe period from 1st of Dec 2017 till end of Dec 2019. It included 500 pregnant women who were followedup in labor until delivery and their maternal and perinatal outcome were noted. Hemoglobin and MCV ofeach pregnant woman were measured at late second and third trimester. Hemoglobin groups were relatedto the maternal characteristics, delivery characteristics and pregnancy outcome. The patients underwent acomplete blood count, blood film examination and hematocrit estimation.Results: In this study, 33.4 % of study participants had mild anemia and 22% of them had normal hemoglobinand MCV. Incidence of adverse perinatal outcome was 32.6% and adverse maternal outcome was 11.8%.Maternal hemoglobin and MCV levels are significantly affected by mother’s age. Hemoglobin level is alsoaffected by parity while MCV level doesn’t. Low maternal hemoglobin was associated with increased riskof poor birth outcomes including LBW, preterm birth and adverse maternal health outcomes, includingcesarean section and induction of labor.Conclusion: Maternal anemia is strongly associated with several different types of maternal morbidity andperinatal morbidity.

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