
Crosses were made between eight cotton genotypes in a full diallel crossing pattern in 2005/2006 at the R esearch farm of the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Yola. The resulting 56 F1 hybrids along wit h their parents were evaluated in the cropping seasons of 2007 and 2008 at Yola, Adamawa State and Sibre, Tarab a State, Nigeria in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The study investigated th e reciprocal and maternal effects on the parents and reciprocal crosses; SAMCOT 8 x SAMCOT 9, TAMCOTCAMD -E x EX-Benin and SAMCOT 13 x SAMCOT. SAMCOT 12 was the maternal parent that showed the highest matern al effect for yield and yield components, which could be said to be responsible for the phenotypic expression of the r eciprocals.

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