
Objective: To determine obstetric and perinatal outcomes in COVID-19 infection through a literature review. Methodology: An advanced search was carried out in Pubmed, with the format: patient, intervention and results with 67 terms, among them: “pregnant”, “newborn”, “covid-19”, “abortion” and “placental pathology”. A filter for the year 2019 and 2020 was applied, 506 studies were found that were filtered by title, abstract and type of study, selecting those whose sample is pregnant and/or neonates diagnosed with COVID-19, and who report negative obstetric and/ or perinatal results. Finally, 42 were selected. Results: The results that stood out due to their prevalence or severity were: premature delivery, placental patholog y, IgM and/or IgG antibodies to COVID-19 increased in pregnant women and newborns, non-reassuring fetal status, COVID-19(+) in breast milk, in liquid amniotic or vaginal swab, probable intrapartum transmission, admission to the NICU, poor fetal or maternal vascular perfusion and caesarean section due to a maternal condition associated with the virus. Conclusions: We suggest establishing timely prevention measures in pregnant women to avoid contagion by COVID-19 during and after pregnancy, in order to avoid the risk of complications associated with the virus that carries important consequences for the mother and/or newborn

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