
Aim: To find out the Maternal and perinatal outcomes in Rh-Negative mothers.
 Methods: This is a cross sectional study of all Rhesus negative mothers giving childbirth at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nobel Medical Col- lege Teaching Hospital from March 2020 to February 2021. Maternal variables like age, parity, mode of delivery, and complications were recorded. Fetal vari- ables like period of gestation, fetal outcomes, hemoglobin, indirect bilirubin, fetal weight were noted.
 Results: There were 108 cases of Rh negative pregnancy and 95 of them deliv- ered Rh positive fetuses. Prevalence of Rh negative pregnancy was 1.68%. Half of them (51; 53.6%) underwent caesarean section due to obstetric indications with 20 repeat cesarean sections and 9 (17.7%) cases for fetal distress. Gross perinatal death was 9; none of the patients received antepartum im- munoprophylaxis; and 86 received postpartum Anti-D Rh IgG. There was only one case of proven isoimmunisation presented as hydrops fetalis in a grand multiparous woman with positive Indirect Coomb Test; and two newborn re- ceived exchanged transfusion.
 Conclusion: Rhesus negative rate was 1.68% and proven isoimmunization rate was 1%.

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