
Background: This was a prospective study to analyses the maternal and fetal outcome among pregnant women with jaundice and deranged LFTs in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SLBSGMC Nerchowk for a period of 6 months. The pregnant women with jaundice and deranged LFTs were included in the study after fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria. History, clinical examination and relevant investigations done. All patients followed till seven days in post-partum period. The maternal and fetal outcomes were noted. Results: During study period we encountered 59 pregnant women with deranged LFTs. Majority of women were in primigravida (74.6%) in 20-30 years (55.9%) of age group. Most common symptom was pruritus in 59.3% of women. ICP was the most common cause amongst 64.4% of women. 40.7% 0f women had FTVD and 40.6% had cesarean delivery. AFD with MSL (87.5%) being the most common indication for cesarean delivery amongst these women. A total of 49 (83.1%) of newborn were delivered alive with good Apgar score, 1 (1.7%) was premature, 1 (1.7%) had respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Conclusions: In contrary to older Indian studies our study concluded that though liver disease is less common, but on evaluation we found that intra-hepatic cholestasis being the number one cause of deranged LFTs in pregnancy in our hospital. Amongst these patients with high index of suspicion, prompt investigations, early diagnosis and timely management can improve the maternal and perinatal outcome.

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