
SUMMARY Two species of Freycinetia occur in Ceylon, F. walkeri Solms. of Sect. Auriculifoliae Stone, and F. pycnophylla Solms, incert. sedis. Keys and illustrations are provided, with specimens cited. It is tentatively suggested that the species F. webbiana Gaud., patria ignota, may prove to he the same as F. pycnophylla; however no type specimen of the Gaudichaud species has been found. Two species also occur in the Andaman Islands. F. sumatrana Hemsl. of Sect. Auriculifoliae Stone, and F. rigidifolia Hemsl. of Sect. Hemsleyella Stone. Keys and listing of specimens are provided. To the former species F. kurziana Martelli must be added as a synonym; to the latter, F. andamanensis Martelli. Apparently two species occur in the Nicobar Islands. One of these is F. sumatrana Hemsl.; the other is unknown; it is not F. scandens Gaud. though determined as such by Kurz. Freycinetia walkeri and F. sumatrana are extremely closely related and conceivably should be combined or treated as infraspecific taxa of F. walke...

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