
Abbreviations of Works by Bakhtin and Voloshinov Notes on the Contributors Introduction: Appropriation in History The World According to Globalisation and Bakhtin P.Hitchcock Bakhtin's Dialogism Reconsidered Through Hegel's 'Monologism': the Dialectical Foundation of Aesthetics and Ideology in Contemporary Human Sciences J.F. Cote Culture, Form, Life: The Early Lukacs and the Early Bakhtin G.Tihanov Bakhtin, Marxism and Russian Populism C.Brandist Memories of Nature in Bakhtin and Benjamin B.Sandywell 'A Very Understandable Horror of Dialectics': Bakhtin and Marxist Phenomenology M.Gardiner Looking Back on the Subject: Mead and Bakhtin on Reflexivity and the Political G.Nielsen Bakhtin and the Study of Popular Culture: Re-thinking Carnival as a Historical and Analytical Concept C.Humphrey What is Marxism in Linguistics? V.M.Alpatov Bibliography Index

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