
This study presents the results of the authors' scientific research on the history of the formation of Marxism in China. A historiographical study of the currently available sources of both the Soviet period and modern domestic and foreign scientists was conducted, the factors that influenced the choice of the scientific advantages of studying the materialist tradition and the determination of the influence of this tradition on the formation of Marxism in China were tracked. The social, cultural, and philosophical context of different historical eras in which materialist traditions in Chinese philosophy arose and developed is reconstructed. The general purpose of the study is to determine the main periods of the formation of the materialist tradition in Chinese philosophy in order to deepen the knowledge of the history of the formation of Marxism in China; a description of the main figures who contributed to the formation of Chinese Marxism; carrying out a study of Chinese philosophy, taking into account its affiliation to materialism and idealism, the struggle between the materialist and idealist traditions in Chinese philosophy is also considered. The main task of the research was the description and analysis of the research methodology and understanding of the materialist tradition in Chinese philosophy, which was used both by Soviet historians of philosophy and by modern domestic scientists in the philosophical literature. To study the worldview, cultural and philosophical heritage of the main representatives of the materialist tradition in the history of Chinese philosophy, modern methods and approaches to the history of Chinese philosophy were used, including concrete-historical, comparative, and interdisciplinary approaches, which involve the complex use of methodological principles of historical-philosophical research and conceptual generalizations, modern methodological standards and prescriptions when studying the complex nature of Chinese philosophy. Also, the use of a certain historical-philosophical methodology made it possible to carry out a philosophical interpretation of methodological approaches to the study of Chinese scientific heritage, main figures, texts, and commentaries on the philosophical tradition of China. The scientific research carried out by the authors made it possible to conclude that the study of the reception of Marxism in Chinese philosophy significantly expands knowledge regarding the enrichment of philosophical and political sciences with complex systematic knowledge about the content and main directions of Chinese philosophical thought, in which, at present, the dominant concept of Chineseized Marxism is.

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