
This laboratory study investigated the performance of open-gradation cold patch asphalt mixtures using two new solvents, mineral spirit and isoamyl acetate, for patching potholes in porous pavements. Mineral spirit and isoamyl acetate were used as the solvents to produce the cutback asphalt. The test results showed that the mineral spirit and isoamyl acetate cold mixes had greater initial and cured strengths, cohesiveness values, anticracking performances, and rutting resistance than did diesel cold mix; in addition, the mineral spirit and isoamyl acetate cold mixes had lower moisture susceptibility than did the diesel cold mix. The improved coating, mixing, and curing of the new cutback cold mixes were due primarily to the better solubility of the two new solvents with asphalt and their high evaporation rates. For a 100-kg mixture, using the mineral spirit and isoamyl acetate cutback mixes costs $2 and $3 more, respectively, than using the diesel cutback mix. Considering the cost and toxicity level, the mineral spirit cutback cold mix had better overall performance and ecoefficiency.

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