
Integrated paintings are paintings that distinguish themselves from non-traditional materials. It is the use of newspapers, and magazines to make collages and paper cutouts which are not normal painting works of art. The main feature of integrated painting is the variety of materials chosen and the mix and match of multiple materials used. In contemporary art, the use of materials has been reflected in a variety of paintings. In addition to natural materials, the materials created by modern technology also bring more possibilities for the creation of paintings. The different materials and their multiple uses together are a test of the artists expressive use of materials. Several artists also use unique materials so that the emotions they express in their works are expressed in the materials through materialization. This paper focuses on the diversity of mixed media and how it can bring more versatility and emotional expression to artworks. And it also analyzes the role and influence of mixed media as paintings by examining Pablo Picassos Still-Life with Chair Caning and Marcel Duchamps The Bicycle Wheel to analyze the role and impact of mixed media as a painting. Through analysis, it is also argued that the use of mixed media brings more emotional responses to the paintings and that the artists emotions can be understood and felt through the materials.

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