
The paper describes the material and technical position of the financial bodies in the Chelyabinsk Region in 19411945. The author provides a structure of regional financial institutions, which included the financial departments (Financial Department of the region, city and districts), savings-banks and long-term lending banks. The paper also examines dynamics of changes in the material and technical support of the regional financial system during the war. The analysis of archival sources clearly shows that in the first years of the war the material and technical support of the regional system of financial institutions was in critical condition: there was not enough office space, transport, calculating machines and typewriters as well as other necessary equipment for the work. But with the beginning of a radical change in the lines the situation gradually began to improve. Both cash and food were increased, the situation with transport, office and accommodation space was stabilized, new equipment appeared. Despite the difficult situation, the material and technical support did not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the regional financial bodies. Financial stability was maintained both at the nationwide and regional levels. The government targets of military loans distribution were not only performed but also beaten. In total, 1,6 billion rubles were collected in the Chelyabinsk Region, which is 2% of the nationwide funds received from the distribution of the government loan. The most important indicator of the work efficiency was the qualitative performance of regional budgets.


  • The paper deals with various aspects of the Orthodox Church history in China on the basis of a rich source – materials of white emigrant Church organizations collected in one large file of the Fund 9145 «Collections of individual documents of various emigrant organizations» of the state archive of the Russian Federation

  • Despite the considerable interest in the history of Russian emigration in the second quarter of the 20th century in China, as well as in the history of Orthodoxy in the country, the documents of this file have not been widely known, they are the supplement of the little-known pages of Orthodox history

  • Всего за годы войны в Челябинской области было собрано 1,6 млрд руб., что составляет 2% от всех средств, полученных от распространения облигаций государственного займа по всей территории Советского союза

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МАТЕРИАЛЬНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ БАЗА ФИНАНСОВЫХ ОРГАНОВ ЧЕЛЯБИНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ В ГОДЫ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЫ В статье рассмотрено материально-техническое положение финансовых органов на территории Челябинской области, сложившееся в 1941–1945 гг. Изучена динамика изменений материально-технического обеспечения областной финансовой системы в годы войны. Анализ архивных источников наглядно свидетельствует о том, что в первые годы войны материально-техническое обеспечение областной системы финансовых органов находилось в критическом состоянии: не хватало служебных помещений, транспорта, счетных и пишущих машинок и другого необходимого для работы оборудования.

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