
The relevance of topic is the role and place of innovation, innovative technological solutions in production of grain in Kazakhstan. The goal – is to identify problems in development of grain subcomplex in the context of economic analysis of the state of machine and tractor facilities and the country's agricultural engineering in general, based on building productivity trends dependence and manufacture of equipment used in agriculture, production costs for growing crops in order to identify the potential of the industry. Calculate annual increase in gross value added from production of agricultural machinery. Determine the share of agricultural sector in the republic's GDP as one of the priority areas of the economy of Kazakhstan. Methods – economic-statistical, abstract-logical, calculation-constructive. Results – the conducted theoretical and analytical studies confirm the presence of unused reserves in the AIC and its grain farming as main export market segment. Conclusions - processes of globalization contribute to increase in innovative activity in AIC, and especially in grain industry. The term "innovations" in modern conditions for assessing the effectiveness of functioning of agro-industrial complex has a new meaning. Innovative scientific projects in many States have acquired the character of priority progressive movement and have received comprehensive support in State program documents. The constraining factor of innovative activity is technological unpreparedness of enterprises, small-scale commodity, low level of mechanized labor. The competitiveness of grain production in the world commodity market depends on State regulation of innovation process in agricultural sector, expansion of engineering and technical service system, and adoption of preventive measures.

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