
Community access to health in Papua is still inadequate compared to other provinces in Indonesia. This condition has a significant influence on the level of maternal and child health in Papua. This study aims to determine the health conditions of mothers and children and their relationship with the availability of health facilities in Papua. Secondary data from the Ministry of Health and the Central Statistics Agency were adopted for this study. Infant mortality rate (IMR), the maternal mortality rate (MMR), the percentage of mothers who gave birth to live births in health facilities and medical assistance, and the number of available health facilities are the variables used in this study and analysed using descriptive statistical quantitative methods with related references. IMR in Papua still fluctuates due to several causes such as low birth weight, asphyxia, and diarrhea. On the other hand, maternity services show good progress. However, the MMR in Papua Province is still high due to high cases of bleeding from pregnant women and the uneven distribution of health facilities. This study shows a directly proportional relationship between the number of facilities and the health conditions of mothers and children.

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