
Daugavpils University, Latvia PhDstudent, Mg. Math., Daugavpils University, Faculty of Education and Management; Tel. +371 261 0 31 65 e-mail: alesja.shapkova@gmail.comStraipsnyje iškeliama ypatinga matematikos vieta kiekvienos šalies švietimo sistemoje, nes šiandienėje visuomenėje jaunų žmonių galimybės ir sėkmė daž­nai priklauso nuo įgytų matematikos žinių ir įgūdžių. Todėl aktualu nuolat domėtis mokinių matematikos pasiekimais, atskleidžiančiais tikrąjį matematinio švietimo lygį. Tam gali daug padėti tarptautiniai ly­ginamieji tyrimai, teikiantys informacijos apie mate­matinio švietimo lygį konkrečioje šalyje ir leidžian­tys jį palyginti su kitų šalių pasiekimais.Šiame straipsnyje siekiama pristatyti 2 828 de­vintos klasės mokinių, besimokančių Latvijos moky­klose, matematikos pasiekimus. Apie tirtų mokinių matematikos pasiekimus buvo sprendžiama iš atliktų 12 matematikos užduočių dalyvaujant tarptautiniame projekte „Nekognityviniai įgūdžiai ir Singapūro mo­kiniai – tarptautinis palyginimas“, kurį organizavo Singapūro nacionalinio švietimo institutas. Šio tyri­mo rezultatai bus palyginti su 2003 m. tarptautinio penkiolikmečių tyrimo 2003 (PISA) mokinių įvertini­mų rezultatais. Tai savo ruožtu leis prognozuoti PISA 2012 m. matematikos ugdymo rezultatus ir įvertinti naujojo standarto matematikos švietimo efektyvumą Latvijoje. Šiame straipsnyje taip pat apžvelgiamos žemo matematinio mokinių išsilavinimo priežastys.


  • Comparative research in education constitutes an important group of the education indicators that may be used to compare the systems of education in the world countries which are so very different (Broks et al, 1998), to assess the degree to which learners who are to leave primary school have mastered knowledge and skills needed for participating in the life of society as well as formulate requirements for improving the system of education in each country.Two major international comparative studies may be distinguished in mathematics education: the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), the international study Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

  • The OECD PISA research is focused on 15 year-old learners and assesses their mathematical competence instead of checking what they have learned in mathematics

  • In 2003, sum 12 was done by 32% of all Latvian learners who participated in the PISA research, but the same sum in 2010 was done correctly only by 23% of learners; 21% of Latvian school learners in 2003 did sum 2 correctly, but in 2010 it was done only by 17% of learners

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Two major international comparative studies may be distinguished in mathematics education: the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), the international study Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The major difference of the OECD programme from the research organized by the IEA is found in its conceptual approach, the choice of the means and methodology of research, and the age of the surveyed learners. It must be noted that in the PISA research mathematical competence is defined as an individual’s ability to formulate, use, interpret mathematical problems in various real life contexts. Mathematical competence includes the ability to reveal regularities by means of mathematics, use the notions, actions, and facts of mathematics to describe, explain, and predict the phenomena and their procedure (Geske et al, 2010)

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