
This paper introduces the d-distance matching problem, in which we are given a bipartite graph G=(S,T;E) with S={s_1,dots ,s_n}, a weight function on the edges and an integer din mathbb Z_+. The goal is to find a maximum-weight subset Msubseteq E of the edges satisfying the following two conditions: (i) the degree of every node of S is at most one in M, (ii) if s_it,s_jtin M, then |j-i|ge d. This question arises naturally, for example, in various scheduling problems. We show that the problem is NP-complete in general and admits a simple 3-approximation. We give an FPT algorithm parameterized by d and also show that the case when the size of T is constant can be solved in polynomial time. From an approximability point of view, we show that the integrality gap of the natural integer programming model is at most 2-frac{1}{2d-1}, and give an LP-based approximation algorithm for the weighted case with the same guarantee. A combinatorial (2-frac{1}{d})-approximation algorithm is also presented. Several greedy approaches are considered, and a local search algorithm is described that achieves an approximation ratio of 3/2+epsilon for any constant epsilon >0 in the unweighted case. The novel approaches used in the analysis of the integrality gap and the approximation ratio of locally optimal solutions might be of independent combinatorial interest.


  • In the perfect d-distance matching problem, one is given a bipartite graph G = (S, T ; E) with S = {s1, . . . , sn}, T = {t1, . . . , tk }, a weight function on the edges w : E → R+ and an integer d ∈ Z+

  • Remark 2 The above proof shows that Greedy is a 3-approximation algorithm for the more general cyclic d-distance matching problem, in which the nodes of S are considered in cyclic order

  • The following two sections prove that the integrality gap of the natural integer programming model is at most

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Note that the side constraints in the distance matching problem are similar, but the degree constraints are different and our edge sets do not form a partition of E. The perfect d-distance matching problem is a special case of the frequency assignment problem Aardal et al (2007). To reduce the d-distance matching problem to the frequency assignment problem, let two antennas si , s j interfere if and only if |i − j| ≤ d. This corresponds to the setting on the plane when antennas s1, .

Weighted d-distance matching problem
FPT algorithm parameterized by d
A greedy algorithm
Linear programming
Integrality gap
K for all i
Greedy algorithms
Local search
Regular distance matching
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