
ABSTRACT Search by image has taken the place of the prior wordy approach, considering spatial image comparison in the feature space. Several query image forms are available. Sketch-to-real image matching is very challenging problem, which is commonly based on edge feature detectors to extract features from sketches. However, they are inconvenient, and it is crucial to select different methods. Thus, methods assessment is conducted for similarity matching between sketched and real images for different drawing contents and clarity levels. The assessment approach includes comparing feature keypoints gathered using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) methods. In addition, the comparison includes matching of objects inside High-Definition (HD) images and 3D images based on their generated features. The textual-Hcontent image search is another search type that is frequently used in brand logo cases. Hence, it is presented for text-logo image search based on visual features. Besides, the motives and downsides of the considered methods are declared, including the space and time complexities within test cases.

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