
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is increasingly being incorporated into many Zimbabwean college and university programmes. The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) is the only fully fledged open and distance learning University in Zimbabwe. This study assesses the core competencies of the ZOU with a view to establishing whether these match critical success factors in ODL. The study employs a case study approach where documentary evidence and the author's experiences are the main sources of information. The critical success factors in ODL identified in this study include technology related factors, learning approach, course related factors and learner support services. The study revealed that the main competencies of the ZOU are its capacity to deploy in different geographical areas for the convenience of learners, the ability to produce learning materials and a comprehensive learner support system. The University also has competent and experienced staff, a strong brand which has continued to attract students and staff even when some programmes had been suspended, resource mobilization, vibrant alumni, sound industrial relations, advisory boards, an established research department and research culture, good marketing and public relations function, an established quality assurance department and other human resources related competencies. With the above mentioned competencies, the ZOU has made significant progress in matching its competencies with the critical success factors in ODL. It is recommended that the University introduces ethics workshops for employees so as to reduce negative publicity about ZOU employees. It is also recommended that the University increases consultation and cooperation with regulatory authorities. To increase enrolment of foreign students, the University should leverage on its resourceful ICT department to provide online courses and tutorials.

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