
After a new democracy was established in South Africa in 1994, new study programmes were designed and developed throughout the education and training system as part of a democratisation process. These changes necessitated a new approach to training preservice teachers in an outcomes-based education system. The philosophy and practices of the preceding era were no longer applicable to the newly defined purposes and envisaged outcomes of the new education model. The basic idea for the construction of an integrated training approach to computer literacy and education competencies is to address computer competencies and contextual competencies simultaneously in developing the critical outcomes required for occupation-related marketable skills. This article aims to describe an explorative impact evaluation of a new format for training preservice teachers. The perceptions and experiences of the learners were considered to establish how their diverse educational needs could be accommodated in an integrated model for teaching computer and education competencies. South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.16(3) 2002: 109-126

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