
Purpose This study aims to examine idle funds in mosques in Mataram City and analyze the intentions of the mosque chairman to place mosque funds in Sharia banks. Six variables are used to analyze the intention; attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral control, sharia financial literacy, sharia banking knowledge and the responsibility of the management for the trust of the society. Design/methodology/approach This research consists of two studies; descriptive research examining idle funds of mosques and correlational research analyzing the intentions of mosque directors to place mosque funds in Sharia banks. Intentions will be analyzed using the theory of planned behavior approach, developed through the PLS-SEM method, and the data obtained from questionnaires through surveys were processed using the SmartPLS 3 application. Findings This study found that the average surplus between income and expenditure reaches IDR2.7m monthly. Also, 75% of mosques have placed their funds in Islamic banks. This study shows a positive relationship between the level of Islamic financial literacy, knowledge of Islamic banking, responsibility for public trust, attitudes toward Islamic banking, subjective norms and behavioral control in influencing the intentions to place mosque funds in Islamic banks. However, only behavioral control is accepted as it significantly influences intentions. Behavioral control means that to maximize intentions, Islamic banks need to make it easier for mosque administrators to place funds. Originality/value This research signifies a pioneering effort in examining idle funds within mosques, particularly those equipped with comprehensive financial reports within Mataram City. Furthermore, it spearheads an inquiry into the intentions of mosques to channel their funds into Sharia banks, underpinned by rigorous quantitative methodologies.

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