
The objective of this study was to quantify the mastication effort for cooked rice. We analyzed mastication patterns while normal subjects ate a spoonful of cooked rice that had been prepared by cooking with different amounts of water (1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 times the water to rice weight). The rice samples were served with the same weight, same volume and same solid content, and electromyography (EMG) of the masticatory muscles was measured. The texture of the four cooked rice samples was instrumentally analyzed by the two-bite method. The number of chews, masticatory time, and jaw-closing muscle activities per chew evaluated by EMG were higher in the rice sample cooked with least water, which exhibited a high firmness value in the instrumental test. Rice cooked with 4.0 times the amount of water exhibited the longest jaw-opening duration, which was related to the adhesiveness value in the instrumental test. The ratio of jaw-opening muscle activity to the preceding jaw-closing muscle activity was lower for the rice containing least water, this corresponding to the area ratio (balance degree) in the instrumental test. Softer rice containing more water reduced the total mastication effort until swallowing because it required a shorter mastication time. It was not difficult for the softer rice with high density to be ingested in greater weight, decreasing the mastication effort for a certain amount.

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