
Abstract Industrial enterprises see themselves confronted with a complexity of products and production processes, which became almost uncontrollable. Individualization and globalization of the demand will continue to increase, so that the existing variety of the product variants presumably cannot be reduced significantly. Attainable are however a strong weakening of the variety increase and a reduction of the internal complexity. Results from numerous analysis projects in the automobile industry show that substantial potentials (on the average 64%) for the reduction of the complexity are present in areas without impact on the degree of fulfillment of customer requirements (engine, axles, raw body, etc.). Even higher potentials are realizable by an intensive cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers. This paper introduces the Variant Mode and Effects Analysis (VMEA), which is a proven method to reduce the number of variants and, therefore, the complexity and complexity-related costs throughout the whole development and manufacturing processes. The method includes a systematic analysis of market requirements and a systematic assignment of market requirements to product functions, modules and parts, thereby enabling the user to develop a modularized, market-oriented product structure designed for meeting the market demands with the smallest number of product variants possible. The results presented in this paper were obtained in a series of twenty cooperation projects involving ten medium-sized German manufacturers of cars and automotive supplies, among them Audi AG, BMW AG, Volkswagen AG, Volvo and Micro Compact Car.

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