
In asthma, mast cells infiltrate the airway smooth muscle cell layer and secrete proinflammatory and profibrotic agents that contribute to airway remodeling. To study the effects of mast cell activation on smooth muscle cell-dependent matrix contraction, we developed coculture systems of human airway smooth muscle cells (HASM) with primary human mast cells derived from circulating progenitors or with the HMC-1 human mast cell line. Activation of primary human mast cells by IgE receptor cross-linking or activation of HMC-1 cells with C5a stimulated contraction of HASM-embedded collagen gels. Contractile activity could be transferred with conditioned medium from activated mast cells, implicating involvement of soluble factors. Cytokines and proteases are among the agents released by activated mast cells that may promote a contractile response. Both IL-13 and IL-6 enhanced contraction in this model and the activity of IL-13 was ablated under conditions leading to expression of the inhibitory receptor IL-13Ralpha2 on HASM. In addition to cytokines, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and serine proteases induced matrix contraction. Inhibitor studies suggested that, although IL-13 could contribute to contraction driven by mast cell activation, MMPs were critical mediators of the response. Both MMP-1 and MMP-2 were strongly expressed in this system. Serine proteases also contributed to contraction induced by mast cell-activating agents and IL-13, most likely by mediating the proteolytic activation of MMPs. Hypercontractility is a hallmark of smooth muscle cells in the asthmatic lung. Our findings define novel mechanisms whereby mast cells may modulate HASM-driven contractile responses.

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