
The first presentation of the combination of non-compaction cardiomyopathy with a restrictive-dilated phenotype and massive chronic tuberculous pericarditis, which for a long time was under the guise of hydropericardium in congestive heart failure in a patient of 30 years, is performed. The absence of congestion signs in a large circle of blood circulation became the reason for diagnosis of agnogenic pericarditis and pericardial puncture. A large volume (>1 l) and lymphocytic nature of effusion, its bilateral character, post-tuberculous changes and calcifications in the lungs, and intrathoracic lymphadenopathy testified in favor of the tuberculous etiology of the process. The negative result of all laboratory tests for tuberculosis (Diaskintest, exudate PCR test, fluorescence microscopy, inoculation on liquid media, Ziehl-Neelsen stain) and the high risk of thoracoscopic biopsy did not allow to immediately verify the diagnosis. It was made only after repeated elimination of 3,5 l of hemorrhagic exudate and the detection of mycobacterial DNA by PCR. As a result of quadruple tuberculostatic therapy, a remission of the process was achieved (there is no fluid in the pericardial cavity).


  • The first presentation of the combination of non-compaction cardiomyopathy with a restrictive-dilated phenotype and massive chronic tuberculous pericarditis, which for a long time was under the guise of hydropericardium in congestive heart failure in a patient of 30 years, is performed

  • The absence of congestion signs in a large circle of blood circulation became the reason for diagnosis of agnogenic pericarditis and pericardial puncture

  • A large volume (>1 l) and lymphocytic nature of effusion, its bilateral character, post-tuberculous changes and calcifications in the lungs, and intrathoracic lymphadenopathy testified in favor of the tuberculous etiology of the process

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Примечание: a, b — МСКТ сердца с в/в контрастированием от октября 2018г, поперечный срез и реконструкция (массивный выпот в перикарде с преимущественным скоплением жидкости в нижних отделах, некомпактный миокард левого желудочка), с — цитологическое исследование перикардиальной жидкости, полученной при пункции 06.11.2018г (среди единичных клеток мезотелия — колонии палочковидных микробов). При исследовании перикардиальной жидкости — цвет светло-желтый, рН 7,5, билирубин положитель‐ ный, глюкоза 100 мг%, удельный вес 1010, белок 26,5‰, проба Ривальта положительная, лейкоциты 2-4-6 в п/зр., эритроциты сплошь в п/зр., клетки мезотелия в умеренном количестве, атипичных кле‐ ток нет, лимфоциты 74%, нейтрофилы 26%, кокков немного, КУМ отриц.

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