
The identification of the main contributors to the locally observed fluxes of cosmic rays is a prime objective in the resolution of the long-standing enigma of the source of cosmic rays. We report on a compelling similarity of the energy and radial distributions of multi-TeV cosmic rays extracted from observations of very-high-energy γ-rays towards the Galactic Centre and two prominent clusters of young massive stars, Cygnus OB2 and Westerlund 1. We interpret this resemblance as evidence that cosmic rays responsible for the diffuse very-high-energy γ-ray emission from the Galactic Centre are accelerated by the ultracompact stellar clusters located in the heart of the Galactic Centre. The derived 1/r decrement of the cosmic ray density with the distance from a star cluster is a distinct signature of continuous cosmic ray injection into the interstellar medium over a few million years. The lack of brightening of the γ-ray images towards the stellar clusters excludes the leptonic origin of γ-ray radiation. The hard, ∝E−2.3-type, power-law energy spectra of parent protons continues up to ~1 PeV. The efficiency of conversion of the kinetic energy of stellar winds to cosmic rays can be as high as 10%, implying that young massive stars may operate as proton PeVatrons with a dominant contribution to the flux of the highest-energy Galactic cosmic rays. Ultracompact stellar clusters in the Galactic Centre are likely to be major contributors to the Galactic cosmic ray flux in the multi-TeV energy range. Observations of the diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Galactic Centre and two young massive star clusters correlate with the cosmic-ray distribution.

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