
Myiasis in humans is caused by the infestation of tissues by the larval form of the Diptera fly.I.2 Infestation of the periorbital and orbital struc­ tures is called ophthalmomyiasis externa and that of the eyeball ophthalmomyiasis interna. 3 Most of the cases of ophthalmomyiasis externa reported to date were due to infestation of the conjunctiva; the num­ ber of cases of orbital involvement is very limit­ ed. I .2.4-8 In their review of orbital myiasis published in 1986 Kersten, Shoukrey and Tabbara l found only 16 well-documented cases in the literature, of which 2 were reported from India. Since that report, no more than 10 cases of orbital myiasis have been reported. 3 ,5-8 Massive involvement and destruction of both orbital and ocular contents, with probable intracranial involvement, is even rarer. We report such a case, in which more than 300 maggots were removed.

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