
The purpose of this study was to investigate MOOCs as an open gateway for ongoing learning opportunities to scholars, institutions and academics. MOOCs are now being offered in the field of archives and records management (ARM) by several institutions. The justification was the opportunities to ARM institutions in Eswatini since constraints of inadequate ARM lecturers, inadequate education and training institutions, low skills levels, the paucity of funds and limited infrastructure, serve as barriers to the effective delivery of ARM education. This study provides the first perspective from a developing country like Eswatini. It explains the concept of MOOC and it's present role in ARM, such that, potential intercontinental collaboration could strengthen teaching and research. A survey design was adopted to collect the views of ARM professionals to assess there understanding and interest in MOOCs. The study revealed great interest among ARM professionals regarding further study through MOOCs, although the adoption of this learning method in Eswatini is still a rarity.

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