
We designed a proline-derived monomer with azide and alkene functional groups to enable topochemical ene-azide cycloaddition (TEAC) polymerization. In its crystal, the monomer forms supramolecular helices along the 'a' axis through various non-covalent interactions. Along the 'c' axis, the molecules arrange themselves head-to-tail in a wave-like pattern, positioning the azide and alkene groups of adjacent molecules in close proximity and anti-parallel orientation, complying with Schmidt's criteria for topochemical reaction. This prearranged configuration was expected to facilitate smooth topochemical polymerization, resulting in a 1,4-triazoline-linked polymer. Upon heating, the monomer underwent TEAC polymerization in a remarkable single-crystal-to-single-crystal fashion, but, to our surprise, it yielded an unexpected covalent helical polymer linked by 1,5-disubstituted triazoline units. Remarkably, the crystal avoids the ready-to-react arrangement for polymerization, but connects monomer molecules within the supramolecular helix through the cycloaddition of azide and alkene groups, even though they are not in close proximity nor in the expected orientation. This unexpected path, involving a substantial 134° rotation of the alkene group, yields hitherto unknown 1,5-disubstituted triazoline product regiospecifically. This study serves as a cautionary reminder that relying solely on topochemical postulates for predicting reactivity can sometimes be misleading.

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