
To the Editor.— Massive upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding can be a difficult problem, but recurrent massive hemobilia can be even more challenging. Such a case diagnosed in a small community hospital as a rupture of an hepatic artery aneurysm into the common bile duct was recently successfully treated. In addition, it is an example of what one can achieve by cooperative regional medical planning. Report of a Case.— This 67-year-old white woman was admitted to Hardin Memorial Hospital on Jan 24, 1970, for pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Two years previously she had had similar pains and no abnormality had been seen on cholecystograms. She was afebrile on admission with a pulse rate of 80 beats per minute and blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg. She was nauseated but tolerated a low fat diet for a day with a fever of 101 F appearing 12 hours

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