
Ilaj bit tadbeer is one of the effective modes of treatment that has been described in Unani system of medicine, in classical text about sixty four different types of regimens like Hammam, Dalk, Riyazat, Fasd, etc. are described. Among them, massage is one of the famous regimens practiced all over the world since antiquity. Massage therapy is increasingly becoming an integral part of a growing number of peoples holistic health regimens. More and more medical doctors are prescribing massage therapy to treat a broad range of medical conditions. Unani scholars have provided a detailed description of the massage under the category of Dalk. It has an effect on both body and mind and is a system of stroking. A manual literature survey obtained from classical Unani texts such as Kulliyat Nafisi, Kulliyat-e-Qanun, Kitabul-Kulliyat, Al Qanoon-Fit-tib, Kamilus Sana, Canon of Medicine and online databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science etc. The current review designed to give an overview on massage therapy that can provide several benefits to the body like improved blood flow, reduced muscle pressure, neurological excitability, and increased sense of well-being. Although scientific studies have successfully found many benefits of massage therapy, in recent years massage has gain international attention due to its wide range of effectiveness in management of different types of diseases.

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