
Under the assumption that baryons are an assembly of independent quarks, confined in a first approximation by an effective potential U(r)=1/2(1+${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{0}$)(${\mathrm{ar}}^{2}$+${V}_{0}$ ) which presumably represents the nonperturbative gluon interactions, the mass spectrum of the low-lying ground-state baryons has been calculated by considering perturbatively the contributions of the residual quark-pion coupling arising out of the requirement of chiral symmetry and that of the quark-gluon coupling due to one-gluon exchange over and above the necessary center-of-mass correction. The physical masses of the baryons so obtained agree quite well with the corresponding experimental value. The strong coupling constant ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{c}$=0.58 required here to describe the QCD mass splittings is quite consistent with the idea of treating one-gluon-exchange effects in lowest-order perturbation theory.

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