
Due to their complexity and diversity, animal venoms represent an extensive source of bioactive compounds such as peptides and proteins. Conventional approaches for their characterization often require large quantities of biological material. Current mass spectrometry (MS) techniques now give access to a wealth of information in a short working time frame with minute amounts of sample. Such MS approaches may now be used for the discovery of novel compounds, and once their structure has been determined they may be synthesized and tested for functional activity. Molecular mass fingerprints of venoms allow the rapid identification of known toxins as well as preliminary structural characterization of new compounds. De novo peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) offers rapid access to partial or total primary peptide structures. This article, written as a tutorial, also contains new material: molecular mass fingerprint analysis of Orthochirus innesi scorpion venom, and identification of components from bumblebee Bombus lapidarius venom, both collected from one single specimen. The structure of the three major peptides detected in the Bombus venom was fully characterized in one working day by de novo sequencing using an electrospray ionization hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight instrument (ESI-QqTOF) and a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight instrument (MALDI-LIFT-TOF-TOF). After presenting the MS-based sequence elucidation, perspectives in using MS and MS/MS techniques in toxinology are discussed.

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