
Six ergot alkaloids belonging to the lysergic acid derivatives (ergonovine (EGN) and methysergide hydrogen maleinate (MHM)) and peptide-type derivatives (ergocristine (EGR), ergotamine (EGT), ergocornine (EGC) and alpha-ergokryptine (EGK)) were studied by positive electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The fragmentation mechanisms of these compounds were studied by collision-induced dissociation (CID) using triple quadrupole and ion trap mass spectrometers, and the nature of the major product ions further confirmed by hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange experiments. A common abundant product ion at m/z 223 was characteristic of the two classes of ergot alkaloids. Therefore, a precursor ion scan of m/z 223 that triggers information data acquisition (IDA) in combination with CID experiments was used to identify other potential ergot alkaloids. Using this approach, it was possible to confirm the presence of ergosine, another peptide-type ergot alkaloid, in a rye flour extract at trace levels.

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