
Massive stellar clusters are the best available laboratories to study the mass function of stars. Based on NTT/SofI near-infrared photometry, we have investigated the properties of the massive young cluster Westerlund 1. From comparison with stellar models, we derived an extinction A_{Ks} = 0.91 +/- 0.05 mag, an age \tau = 4 +/- 0.5 Myr and a distance d = 4.0 +/- 0.2 kpc for Westerlund 1, as well as a total mass of M_{Wd1} = 4.91_{-0.49}^{+1.79} x 10^4 M_{sun}. Using spatially dependent completeness corrections we performed a 2D study of the cluster's IMF and, in addition, of the stellar density profiles of the cluster as a function of mass. From both IMF slope variations and stellar density, we find strong evidence of mass segregation. For a cluster with some 10^5 stars, this is not expected at such a young age as the result of two-body relaxation alone. We also confirm previous findings on the elongation of Westerlund 1; assuming an elliptical density profile, we found an axis ratio of a:b = 3:2. Rapid mass segregation and elongation could be well explained as the results of subclusters merging during the formation of Westerlund 1.

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