
The world's population loses their homes due to natural disasters and wars every year, many international organizations have been created to eliminate such consequences. Architects as volunteers also make efforts to design typical low-cost mass housing., there is a concept of crisis architecture to denote this phenomenon. Its feature is the fastest possible reconstruction of housing for people in disaster zones. The next term discussed in the article is urbicide, the purposeful destruction of cities caused by wars, terrorist attacks, and other aggressive actions that we have in Ukraine today.
 The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of mass housing architecture in its relationship with crisis phenomena and urbicide in society. For this purpose, the possibility of reconstruction, reconstruction and development of the architectural and urban structure of cities in the post-crisis period is considered. The features of the crisis architecture of countries and cities affected by wars, as well as floods, fires and other natural disasters (Rotterdam, Hiroshima, Bismaya, Skopje) are analysed. Foremost, the restoration of the engineering infrastructure was observed. Work on solving the housing problem consisted in the repair of damaged buildings, the reconstruction of large apartments into small apartments and the construction of typical temporary low-rise buildings 3 available raw materials. Unified 4-5- story series of economy houses were popular in post-war France, Hungary, Slovakia and other countries. Disadvantages of such housing include chaotic construction, simplification of architectural solutions, lack of individual stylistic features. Later, the temporary residential quarters were dismantled. At the same time, a significant part of such panel houses remains inhabited even in our time. 
 Ukraine was significantly affected by the Second World War. Mass construction according to typical projects took place in the 60s, as a result of which about 23% of the country's housing stock has physical and moral deterioration. In view of the military actions, it is extremely important to use the international experience of rebuilding cities, to carefully approach the selection of projects, focusing on the economic component, the safety of residents and high-quality architectural solutions.

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